
服务热线:400 680 0892
Biosestab Antibody Stabilizer
品牌: Adipogen
产品货号: AG-10T-0031-L250
规格: 250 ml


数量: - +
* 以下信息仅供参考,详情请以原厂网站为准
  • 产品名称:
    Biosestab Antibody Stabilizer
  • 别名:
  • 产品描述:
    Free or conjugated antibodies are often used in immunoassays, either in the system specific detector antibody plus streptavidin-HRP or in the system analyte-specific antibody plus species-specific antibody-HRP-conjugate. Both systems allow a high flexibility at lower costs. Biosestab Antibody Stabilizer dramatically extends the life of your valuable antibodies, allowing much more consistent results over extended periods of time compared to daily prepared dilutions. The mode of action of Biosestab Antibody Stabilizer comprises direct stabilization of the antibody by minimization of unspecific interactions. E.g. after 4 weeks at 37 ° C at a ready-to use concentration of 100ng/ml residual activity comprise more than 97 % of the initial antibody binding properties. Biosestab Antibody Stabilizer has only minimal effects on the enzymatic reaction. Thus, antibodies can be used at ready-to use concentrations in Biosestab Antibody Stabilizer for a minimum of 6 months at RT or 1 year at 4°C.
  • 反应种属:
  • 宿主来源:
  • 实验应用:
  • 靶标/特异性:
  • 同种型:
  • 推荐稀释度:
  • 免疫原:
  • 免疫原种属:
  • 克隆性:
  • 克隆号:
  • 纯化方式:
  • 偶联:
  • 产品浓度:
  • 表达系统:
  • 阳性对照:
  • 保存温度:
  • 运输温度:
  • 细胞定位:
  • 预期分子量:
  • 产品形式:
  • 存储溶液:
    Filtered through a 0.22 µm filter. It is a solution in sterile, bidestillated water and is animal-free and protein-free. It contains non-toxic, mercury free preservatives to prevent microbial growth during long-term storage.
  • 有效期:
    Stable for at least 2 years after receipt when stored at +4°C.
  • 产地:
  • 外观:
  • 生产商:
  • 功能与背景:
  • URL:
  • 灵敏度:
  • 检测范围:
  • 检测方法:
  • 样本类型:
    Filtered through a 0.22 µm filter. It is a solution in sterile, bidestillated water and is animal-free and protein-free. It contains non-toxic, mercury free preservatives to prevent microbial growth during long-term storage.
  • 产品特点:
  • 纯度:
  • 生物活性:
  • 内毒素水平:
  • 来源:
  • 表达方式:
  • Accession #:
  • CAS号:
  • 分子式:
  • 溶解度:
  • PubChem CID:
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